
There will be seven starts for different classes of dinghies from Crableck Beason. The first three boats in each class will win a prize. The River Hamble Combined Clubs (RHCC) will also award their ‘Cock of the River’ Trophy for the boat that comes in first in its class, beating the second placed boat by the greatest corrected time margin

There will be four starts: Old Gaffers, two handicap fleets and the XODs.
The SCRA website is an excellent resource and contains links to charts depicting Solent marks.

GIG RAcing
Please complete the entry form below.

Fun events
No need to pre enter and there is no fee.
If you have an inflatable tender, rigid rowing boat, paddleboard or other suitable vessel come and join in the fun.
And if you’d like to wear fancy dress in this year’s theme you won’t be alone! The events will run quickly one after the other, there were no set times after the first race, so you need to keep an eye on what’s happening and be sure to listen out for your race to be announced.
Race Documents
IMPORTANT If you were a trophy winner last year, please ensure you return your trophy to Warsash Sailing Club as soon as possible. We want to be able to present the trophies to the new winners at the prize giving. If you wish to get your trophy engraved with your name, please do this before returning it.
How to enter
Before starting your entry for the Yacht or Dinghy racing, please familiarise yourself with the 2024 Notice of Race.
Online Entry for the Dinghy Racing 2024 [ENTER HERE]
Alternative Dinghy Entry form (word doc)
The Regatta has 21 trophies to present: 18 for sailing, 3 for rowing and one for the best dressed yacht. Some are over 75 years old and the Victor Ludorum trophy (presented for the best overall rowing performance) has a silver hallmark of 1867.
Perhaps the most interesting feature of the trophies are the names inscribed on them – a long list of names from the past including several British Olympic medallists. We pay tribute to all of those who have contributed to the success of past Regattas, and here’s to many more years to come!
Many of the trophies were presented by local supporters of the regatta, including The Alwyn Foulkes and J A Foulkes (father and uncle of Glyn). Among the other grand trophies were those presented by Monty Bradshaw, F Deacon, Stanley Steele, Don Smy and the Montefiore family. The boatyard sheave, the Miles Arnott and Geoff Pack trophies were all made by the Elephant Boatyard.